Workplace accidents are a problem in most blue-collar industries throughout the world. Canada is no exception. Despite the awareness surrounding workplace safety, lost time due to accidents and even workplace fatalities continue to be a problem, particularly in the construction industry.

rope work heights rope access health safety officer harness helmet
Rope Work – Keeping skills sharp for every possibility

Canadian Workplace Accidents

In 2019 there were 925 workplace fatalities in Canada. The construction industry is the leader in these fatalities, accounting for 204 of these deaths. In comparison to just a decade ago, these numbers are going down. Most of these fatalities remain entirely preventable. We need to be doing more to keep our workplaces safe for Canada’s workers.

There were 271,806 lost time claims in Canada in 2019. This number encompasses a wide variety of worker’s compensation claims but each incident reflects a workplace accident. Any workplace accident is bad for the worker, causing lost compensation and injuries. Accidents are also bad for a company due to the loss of valuable workers.

Hazards vary between each workplace

Each different plant or workplace comes with different safety needs that require attention. If you work in a chemical plant and come into contact with hazardous materials, or you are working on a construction site where you work from heights or with dangerous tools. Hiring a Health and Safety Officer is a great asset to have on any job site.

We help assess your workplace and work with you to ensure there is a safety plan in place to keep everyone out of harm’s way. Prioritizing safety is the best thing you can do for your company and your employees.

Family Ties 

If you’ve read my previous posts you know that both my Great Grandfather and Grandfather died at the same mine in Windsor, Nova Scotia as a result of workplace accidents. My Grandfather was killed 60 years ago in that mine. During our morning Toolbox Talk on the anniversary of that fatal accident, our Foreman spoke about a fatality that occurred on a job site the day before. He said that even though we didn’t know the person, we are all out doing the same thing – working, just trying to make a living to support our families. Hearing of any workplace fatality or accident impacts all of us and is a painful reminder of the risks surrounding us. 

vintage old photo workplace accident safety family loss fatality
My Dad and Granddad, 1957

Condolences to all the families and friends out there who have lost a loved one. Look out for each other, ensure safety is at the forefront of your mind, speak up if something is not right and communicate with your peers and supervisors. Doing so will help ensure you go home to your family and friends at the end of your work day.

Inspiration and motivation to keep workers safe

As you can see, health and safety is a cause near and dear to my heart. I work hard to ensure other families do not have to go through what mine did. It was part of my inspiration to pursue a career as a Health & Safety Officer and it is what motivates me to continue in this work. 

I hope others can see how this line of work is about helping to keep you safe and healthy, so that you can live your life to the fullest outside of work. Health and safety is not meant to an a hindrance or an afterthought. I implore you all to keep it at the forefront of your mind while on the job. 

health and safety officer women in trades coveralls safety gear safety glasses plant
Shanks Safety on the job

How can you make a difference? 

You can consult your on-site Health & Safety office about how to pursue a career in this growing field, or simply speak to them about any concerns or questions you may have regarding safety in your workplace. Find out more about what Health & Safety services Shanks Safety can provide for your company here!

Each province governs their own regulations and safety standards. Find out how you can help prevent accidents and illnesses in your workplaces based on your provincial regulations here

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